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Woodland might not seem the most obvious form of land for someone to purchase but you would be surprised. In recent years, there has been a growth in the number of individuals wishing to return to mother-nature. Small private woodlands are bought for a wide variety of pursuits including paintballing, badger watching, woodworkers and bird watching.


If you are expecting an income from your private woodland, then you need to look at your figures carefully and do some research. Only larger acreage yields any substantial revenue from timber sales and on most woodland there are limits on how much can be felled per annum and the majority of the woodstock must be replenished.

Having said this, there are now agencies that help the private smaller woodland owner sell mature timber, so there are some revenue generating opportunities with woodland.

Woodland can also be a good investment but again it has to be in the right location. It is unlikely that any woodland would obtain planning permission for a residence and therefore, most people who buy woodland do so for pleasure and enjoyment. You can put non-permanent structures such as sheds or tree houses in woodland and you can also camp in a caravan for up to 28 days per year.

Below I've listed a few companies who have private woodlands for sale.

Vantage Land

Land agents that regularly offer woodland to the public. www.vantageland.co.uk


specialising in the sales of small woodlands in England and Wales for recreation, wildlife conservation and investment. www.woods4sale.co.uk/


A small family business, whose objective is to help people to find woodlands of a manageable size. www.woodlands.co.uk

Woodland and Water

Sales of woodland, pasture and waterside properties for private leisure & amenity use and tax-efficient investment. www.woodlandandwater.com


Buy woodlands and share them with their members. www.futurewoods.com

Woods For All

Offer shares to the public to jointly own a wood. www.woodsforall.org

Deer Land

Has details of land for sale or required by the hunting sportsmen. You can find freehold woodlands, water resources or other land for sport related use. www.deerland.co.uk

Looking for a particular type of land? Use the link below to find companies offering certain types of land for sale.