Planning and Affordable Housing

A community's need for affordable housing is a material planning consideration which may properly be taken into account in formulating development plan policies and deciding planning applications. Local planning authorities have a responsibility to allocate sufficient land for housing in their development plans.


Whilst the primary objective will be to ensure that there is enough land for housing to meet the agreed needs in terms of numbers, local planning authorities should also ensure that there is a mix of dwelling types and sizes - whether through new house building or conversions -to cater for a range of housing needs; and should encourage the development of mixed and balanced communities in order to avoid areas of social exclusion. Therefore, where there is evidence of need for affordable housing, local plans should include a policy for seeking an element of such housing on suitable sites. Such policies will be a material consideration in determining an application for planning permission.

Planning Policy Guidance note 3 (PPG3): Housing (1992) sets out the Government's policy on how the planning system can contribute to the overall supply of affordable housing. It recognises that it may be desirable in planning terms for new housing development on a substantial scale to incorporate a reasonable mix and balance of house types and sizes to cater for a range of housing needs. Whilst this is intended to encourage the development of mixed and balanced communities, it is also intended to ensure that affordable housing is only required on sites which are large enough to accommodate a reasonable mix of types and sizes of housing.

This Circular supplements PPG3, by amplifying the Government's preferred approach to planning and affordable housing. It aims to provide a clearer framework for preparing plan policies, and practical advice to local planning authorities on how they should encourage the supply of affordable housing in appropriate circumstances through negotiation with developers and others. It is intended to:

  • Help local planning authorities to adopt a realistic and consistent approach to preparing plan policies and handling planning applications involving affordable housing;
  • Encourage a co-operative approach to preparing affordable housing policies, which ensures that the views of all those involved in delivering affordable housing are taken into account;
  • Clarify that affordable housing policies should be based on a clear and up-to-date assessment of local need for affordable housing;
  • Provide guidance on securing and controlling the occupancy of affordable housing; and
  • Ensure that affordable housing delivered through the planning system is likely to be attractive to lenders of private finance.

Affordable Housing Policies in Local Plans

In preparing their local plans, authorities should involve housing and planning committees, to ensure that planning policies for affordable housing are compatible with their housing strategies, and with their objectives for land-use planning and urban and economic development. They should also take account of the views of those likely to be involved in the delivery of housing. As well as local authority housing departments, acting as "enablers", planners should involve those who represent main landowners, developers, registered social landlords and the Housing Corporation.

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